
CLI College Canada

— CLI College

International Student Policies

CLI College is committed to adapting reasonable policies and procedures to ensure Students have the opportunity to successfully complete their studies. The College maintains a professional setting by assuring a safe, respectable, and fair environment for all Students and staff members. Students and Staff are required to support the academic and ethical standards of CLI College. Violation of Student policies may be subjected to suspension and/or expulsion under the conditions of inadequate performance and unacceptable actions.

Student Academic Policy

Students are expected to complete assignments in the time allowed by instructors. Assignments are to be completed individually. There is zero tolerance at CLI College regarding plagiarism/academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism will result in a zero result in the assignment or exam and may include suspension or termination from the program.

Student Expulsion Policy

CLI College has a zero-tolerance policy regarding academic dishonesty, the non-payment of tuition fees, harassment, and/or discrimination of any form.

Academic Dishonesty

Cheating, plagiarism, unapproved collaboration, alteration of records, bribery, falsification of information, use of aids that have not been expressly permitted by instructors, theft or solicitation of another Student’s assignments, paperwork, tests, or personal belongings, and intentionally attempting to assist another Student to commit any act of academic dishonesty.

Harassment or Discrimination

Harassment and discrimination is a serious offense, there is a zero tolerance policy at CLI College. Students are required to be respectful to their peers/instructors/staff. Students participating in harassment or discriminatory activities are subject to suspension under pending investigation. Expulsion will be automatic for any Student who will be deemed, after the result of the investigation, to have engaged in harassment or discriminatory activities. 

Outstanding Fees

Failure to pay tuition or other fees due to the College is considered a debt to the college. Students may be expelled if fees are not paid after the College has provided a written warning.

Significant Omissions in Admissions Documentation

Students who knowingly misrepresent their personal information on their application forms are subject to immediate expulsion.

Academic Failure

Re-test are available for some courses. Please refer to your course syllabus regarding academic failure and re-write requirements. Programs offering re-test will only award the passing mark (70%) on the final transcript regardless of mark attained on the exam

Practicum Placement

A Student who does not qualify in the classroom will not be sent out for Practicum in the designated program until all theory, lab, and exam requirements have been met.

Misuse of College Property

Students who damage, misuse, steal or otherwise use the property in a manner prohibited by common sense may be expelled and will be required to make restitution to the College.

Student Evaluation Policy

These Student Evaluation Policies cover topics in relation to academic progress, participation, homework, projects, course assignments, tests, quizzes, exams, make-up work, exam retakes, and graduation requirements.

Academic Progress and Grading System

All CLI College courses are divided into individual modules, and module durations vary based on course material. Final marks for a module are determined by varying combinations of Assignments, Quizzes, Midterms, and Final Exams.

Module Test Security

Under NO circumstances are Module Tests returned to the students. After the test is written and marked, Instructors will review the correct answers with the class. The tests are then retained in a locked file at the school until the student has graduated, at which time they may be shredded.

Rewrite Policy

The policy of CLI College is to ensure that all of our Students receive a fair evaluation of their academic performance. The College understands that unforeseen circumstances may prevent a Student from writing a scheduled exam or may negatively affect the outcome thereof.

Missed Tests (including assignments and performance demonstrations)
  • A student who misses a test will receive a grade of zero.
  • With acceptable documentation (i.e., a doctor’s certificate), the Instructor may provide a make-up test.
  • The make-up test must be written outside of regularly scheduled class hours.
  • The maximum mark the student can attain for a make-up test is 80%.
  • Only one date will be offered for a student to write a make-up test.
  • Failure to write the make-up as scheduled will result in a zero grade.
Failed Tests (including assignments and performance demonstrations)
  • Students who fail to attain a passing grade of 70% in a Module activity may rewrite the test or redo the assignment/performance demonstration.
  • The module test to be used for the rewrite must be different from the original test.
  • The maximum mark the student can attain for a rewrite / redo Module activity is 80%.
  • A student who fails the rewrite / redo must re-enroll in the course.
  • Failed assignments and exams are automatically reread and reviewed to ensure appropriate credit has been awarded to the student.

Practicum Completion Requirements

CLI College is committed to ensuring that its graduates have completed the program requirements and training necessary to excel in their chosen career. For most of our programs, that includes a practicum placement. As a graduation requirement, it is important that the practicum be completed successfully, and within an acceptable time frame.

One of our practicum coordinators will work to place you in an approved work environment. The following outlines the college policies and student expectations of this placement. In order to complete your course and graduate, you must successfully meet all of the following practicum requirements:

  • Submit all required documents to practicum coordinators before your practicum start date.
  • Complete and pass all of your academic courses prior to commencing the practicum.
  • Demonstrate a high level of professionalism at all times.
  • Complete 40 working hours a week at your designated organization.
  • Submit weekly attendance every Friday to your practicum coordinator.
  • Finish your total practicum hours before your contract termination date.
  • Pass your final practicum evaluation.

If you cannot attend your provided schedule, you will need to seek approval from your placement supervisor and inform your practicum coordinator. You are directly responsible for any warnings or discipline issued by your practicum supervisor for tardiness, unapproved absence, and/or any unacceptable workplace behavior.

Please contact your practicum coordinator with any questions or concerns regarding your practicum experience.


Program Completion Date

All programs must be completed within their allotted timeframe, this includes any mandatory Practicums. As extenuating circumstances may arise, the program completion date may be extended for up to four (4) weeks beyond the original end of term date. All extensions are at the discretion of, and must be approved by CLI College.


Excused Extensions

Extensions will only be provided as per the requirements established in the Student Attendance Policy available in the Student Handbook. Any extensions for medical reasons must be accompanied by a doctor’s note clearly stating the reason for the extension, and the date the Student will be cleared to start or resume their practicum.

Valid extension reasons include:

  • Severe Illness or Medical Issues  (including Maternity related reasons)
  • Severe Psychological Issues
  • Personal Emergencies  (such as a death in the family)

In the event of an emergency, Students can extend their completion date by up to thirty (30) days with proper documentation. If an extension requires more than thirty (30) days, a new application is required.



A Student who fails to meet any of the above requirements will be ineligible for graduation and will receive a failing grade for the program.


Graduation Requirements

Unless otherwise indicated by program specific requirements, the student MUST meet all of the following requirements in order to qualify for graduation:


Minimum Grades:

Students must achieve a minimum grade of 70% in each course. If their final mark for the course is below 70%, they must redo the course before they can complete the program and receive their diploma or certificate. Refer to CLI’s Policy on Rewrites for Failed Modules for eligibility and procedure.


Class Attendance:

Students must maintain a satisfactory attendance record, as established by CLI’s policies on Student Attendance.


Practicum Completion:

Students must complete all Practicum Placement hours with their approved Practicum Host. Students must also receive a passing evaluation from the Practicum Host by successfully demonstrating the necessary Skill Requirements for their program. Please note that certain programs do not offer a Practicum and are thus exempt from this requirement.


Academic Failure

A Student who fails to meet any of the above requirements will be ineligible for graduation and will receive a failing grade for the program. As a preventative measure, instructors will assess students after the first two weeks. Students who are not able to satisfy the assessment will be withdrawn. No tuition cost will be charged at this time.

Students must achieve a minimum grade of 70% in each course module. If their final mark for the course is below 70%, they must redo the course before they can complete the program and receive their diploma or certificate.


Student Attendance Policy

CLI College is committed to ensure that all of our Students receive a proper education, and that begins by ensuring accountability for attendance. All CLI Students are responsible for their education, and as such are expected to adhere to the following attendance policy – this includes any practicum placements that are part of the curriculum. For quizzes, assignments, exams, and other grading components, the Student is required to fulfill all module components in order to progress within the program.

In order to confirm mandatory Student attendance and adhere to governmental regulations, Instructors maintain an Attendance Register. Individual Student attendance is verified at the beginning, middle, and end of class. While full attendance is expected for every class, the College understands that unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances may arise. Whenever possible, the College will attempt to accommodate valid / excused absences (as defined within this policy). Students with three (3) or more absences that were not pre-approved or excused by the instructor may be subject to disciplinary action.

In all cases, Students must not exceed ANY of the following three conditions. Violation of any of these conditions will be subject to immediate withdrawal from the program as per the Student Withdrawal Policy outlined below.


  • Five (5) consecutive class days without an excused absence.
  • Thirty (30) consecutive days regardless of excused absence.
  • 20% absences of the total program regardless of excused absence.

Due to the different durations for weekday and weekend classes, additional attendance requirements for each course schedule are listed below.


Student Attendance Policy –  Weekday Students

In addition to the general requirements listed above, weekday Students must be aware of the following attendance thresholds:

  • Unexcused absences exceeding 10% of total hours in a single course will result in a written warning.
  • Unexcused absences exceeding 15% of total hours in a single course will result in attendance probation.
  • Unexcused absences exceeding 20% of total hours in a single course will result in program withdrawal.

For courses that run for three (3) weeks or less, the following thresholds replace the above percentages:

  • Unexcused absences of one day in a single course will result in a written warning.
  • Unexcused absences of two days in a single course will result in attendance probation.
  • Unexcused absences of three days in a single course will result in program withdrawal.

Student Attendance Policy  –  Weekend Students

In addition to the general requirements listed above, weekend Students must be aware of the following attendance thresholds:

  • Unexcused absences exceeding 10% of total hours in a single course will result in a written warning.
  • Unexcused absences exceeding 15% of total hours in a single course will result in attendance probation.
  • Unexcused absences exceeding 20% of total hours in a single course will result in program withdrawal.

For courses that run for three (3) weeks or less, the following thresholds replace the above percentages:

  • Unexcused absences of a half (0.5) day in a single course will result in a written warning.
  • Unexcused absences of one (1) day in a single course will result in attendance probation.
  • Unexcused absences of one and a half (1.5) days in a single course will result in program withdrawal.

Student Attendance Policy – Excused Absences

All Students must adhere to the following regulations for “Excused Absence” consideration:

  • Notify the Instructor via email or phone immediately (or as soon as reasonably possible) in regards to any absences, late arrivals, and/or early departures.
  • Students must discuss arrangements with the Instructor to make up any missed class time, tests, and/or assignments if the reason for absence is deemed acceptable.
  • doctor’s note is required if a Student has three (3) or more consecutive days of absence from classes.

Student Withdrawal Policy

A Student who fails to comply with attendance requirements, or is absent without authorized approval may be subject to disciplinary action. For the purpose of Alberta Student funding, CLI College must consider a funded Student as withdrawn under any of the following circumstances:

1.    When a Student has missed five (5) consecutive class days without contacting the institution, before or during the absence, to provide a reasonable excuse – as per Section 6(c) of the Alberta Institution Designation Agreement (AIDA). The school must consider the Student as withdrawn (for the purpose of Student funding) on the first day of their absence and notify AET of the withdrawal.

2.    When a Student is absent for more than thirty (30) consecutive days, even with a reasonable and documented excuse. The effective date of the withdrawal is the first day during this period that the Student was absent.

3.    When a Student has excessive total absences that will prevent him/her from successfully completing the program within the scheduled study period. This occurs in cases where a Student exceeds an average of 20% or more absences for their total classes. The effective date of Student’s withdrawal is the last day that the Student was in attendance.


Privacy Policy

CLI College is bound by federal laws to protect the privacy of the Students. The College respects the right to privacy of its Students and is committed to safeguarding the personal information of each Student and graduate. CLI College will not disclose a Student’s personal information without a prior written consent of the Student.

At CLI College we protect the personal information collected from Students, graduates, staff and other business partners. This includes the training of employees and the establishment of control systems for responsible use of personal information that is accessible to College employees while performing work-related duties. The College directs its employees to exercise caution when disclosing personal information to others. Access to personal information is limited to the following:

  • An individual accessing his or her own personal information.
  • An employee of the College with authorized access based on a legitimate academic or business need.
  • Any organization or person authorized by the individual to receive the information.
  • Authorized Legal Agent / Government Body / Representative under the circumstance where the College complies with the release of personal information.
  • Individuals or entity as permitted by law where deemed to be necessary for reasonable conduct of College business.

Study Permits & Work Permits

It is the Student’s responsibility to obtain necessary immigration documents such as their Study Permit and/or Work Permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). CLI College does not provide any consulting regarding immigration issues.

Tuition Fee Payment and Refund Policy

As per Private Vocational Training Regulation policy:

Once an institution is satisfied admission standards have been met, the institution may enter into a contract with the student and collect a registration fee of up to $500. A registration fee must be credited to unpaid tuition if  the student starts the program in accordance with Private Vocational Training  Regulation.

For domestic and international students, if the student terminates a student contract on or before the 4th business day after signing the contract, the licensee must refund all tuition fees paid by or on behalf of the student.

For domestic and international students, if a licensee is required to refund any tuition fee or incidental fee, the refund must be paid no later than 30 days from the day the student contract is terminated.


Refunds of Tuition – After Training Begins

Private Vocational Training Regulation – Section 17

1 – If a student contract is terminated after the vocational training begins, the licensee is entitled to the following amounts of the tuition fees:

(a) when 10% or less of the vocational training has been provided, 25% of the tuition fees;
(b) when more than 10% but 50% or less of the vocational training has been provided, 60% of the tuition fees;
(c) when more than 50% of the vocational training has been provided, 100% of the tuition fees.

2 – If a licensee has received tuition fees in excess of the amount that the licensee is entitled to under subsection (1), the licensee must refund the excess amount. As per the PVT Regulation, if a licensee is required to refund any tuition fee or incidental fee, the refund must be paid no later than the earlier of 30 days from the day the student contract is terminated, or the time period specified in an order of the Director of Private Career Colleges Branch.

Complaint Submission & Dispute Resolution Policy

The College is committed to a safe, comfortable, equal, and responsive learning environment for everyone. This policy governs the resolution of complaints and disputes from students in respect to the College and any aspect of its operations.

The following series of escalating processes should be followed by Students in order to provide a satisfactory resolution to their complaint or dispute.


Informal Discussion:

  • The student should always first approach the Instructor or other individual involved to verbally discuss the area of concern.
  • If the concern(s) cannot be resolved verbally, the student will be required to submit the complaint in writing to the Administrator of CLI College of Business and Health Technology.

Complaint Submission:

  • All complaints must be submitted in writing. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
  • Lodging a complaint will have no adverse academic consequences on the status of the complainant.
  • Student complaint policies and procedures apply equally to individual or group complaints.
  • Complaints must be initiated within 30 calendar days of the event(s) that led to the complaint.
  • Written complaints may be submitted by sending an email to the school official emaila address.

Complaint Review:

After the Student Complaint Officer receives a complaint, they will contact the student to acknowledge receipt within one (1) business day. Upon reviewing the complaint, the Student Complaint Officer will work to fix the problem. Depending on the severity, they may involve additional member(s) of CLI College staff and management. Within ten (10) business days the student will be notified of a resolution, or a meeting will be arranged with the Student Complaint Officer.

The student may be accompanied by an advocate of their choice at all stages of the complaint process and this person may make oral submissions on behalf of the student. Besides communication through email and phone, it may be required for the student to attend a meeting in-person or via web conferencing (such as Zoom or Bongo).

In cases where a meet is necessary, an Administrator will review the complaint and any other relevant information before rendering a decision. The decision will be communicated to the student in writing within twenty-one (21) business days following the meeting and will contain the reasons for the decision.


Appeal Process:

Should the student not be satisfied with the decision rendered by the Administrator, the student may appeal the decision and refer the complaint to the management committee of CLI College for review. The committee is to be comprised of at least three (3) members:

  • At least one Senior Academic Administrator (President)
  • At least one Academic Lead or Faculty Member (Student Satisfaction Lead, Instructor, Support Staff)
  • At least one Student Representative (Student Retention Officer)

The results of the appeal will be communicated to the student in writing within fourteen (14) business days, and the decision of the management committee is final. CLI College will maintain a record of all student complaints logged at their campus for a period of three (3) years from the date of the decision. This record will include a copy of the written student complaint, any submissions filed, and the written decision(s).


General Inquiries:

To file a specific complaint, please use one of the above methods rather than phoning the reception desk. For any questions (non-complaints), you may contact us via email at: info@clicollege.ca


Lodging a complaint will have no adverse consequences on the status of the complainant in their program of study. The only exception are cases in which the complainant is proven to have provided false claims in order to maliciously cause hardships or to garner personal benefits.

Resolutions vary based on the nature of the complaint or dispute, and the decisions of the authorities involved