
CLI College Canada

5 Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late to Start a New Career

Is Switching Profession the Right Move for You?

Do you find yourself bored and fatigued at work on a regular basis? Do you find it difficult to care as much about your work as you once did? Maybe you’re burned out, or maybe there’s something more serious going on. Do you get envious of your friends and family who enjoy their jobs? Have you been denied the wage raises that you deserved? Do you ever daydream about working somewhere else? If this sounds like you, it might be time to consider changing your career.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

There’s no shame in making this decision, and it’s never too late to start over with a new career. If you’re going to spend 80,000 hours of your life working, you may as well do work that makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

It’s common to have concerns about changing careers. In reality, around 80% of those aged 45 and up suggest switching jobs, but just 6% actually do so. You’ve undoubtedly grown accustomed to your current situation to some degree. Even if work isn’t going well, at least you know what to expect, right? But you know deep down that you deserve more than “good enough.” Continue reading for some of our top tips on how to make a successful career move.

Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late to Switch Careers

If you’re worried you’re too old to start a new career, don’t be. It’s never too late to pursue professional fulfilment and a healthy work/life balance. According to Wharton, here are 5 great reasons why it’s not too late to start your new career

  1. If there’s something you’ve always had a passion for but never pursued, you owe it to yourself to revisit that calling. Or maybe there’s an intriguing new field out there that didn’t even exist when you were first starting to work. Building a career in a field in which you have a genuine interest can transform your life.
  2. You deserve a work environment that doesn’t stress you out. When we are young, a high-pressure work environment can feel challenging. As we slog through the years in that career, that sensation usually transforms into stress. If your high-stress career is taking a toll on your health or relationships, you should not feel sorry about looking for a healthier work environment.
  3. Technology or waning demand may be diminishing the demand for your product or service and now is a great time to find another path. If the job outlook for your current occupation is expected to decline, you may have a perfect opportunity to look for a more long-lasting career. To prevent yourself from falling into this situation again, investigate occupations with high job security.
  4. Your values and priorities may have shifted since you started your career. Perhaps it’s time to pursue a career in a more stable field. Or maybe you don’t feel the same way about your current industry as you once did. Whatever the reason, if your feelings about your current career have changed, it’s time to explore other options.
  5. You cannot imagine staying in your current field of work until you retire. Are you willing to stick it out in your current working conditions for that long? If you’re not, then you owe it to yourself to go find a career that will keep you happy until you’re ready to retire.

Getting a Second Career at CLI College

Here at CLI College, we offer certificate and diploma programs for people looking to upgrade their careers. Our programs can be completed in less than one year. Learn more about how we can help you!


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